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Does Your Website Turn Visitors into Clients…or Does it Turn Them Away?

These days almost 90% of your potential patients are online. Even if a potential client is referred to you by their best friend, they will check out your website before they decide to pay you a visit…so make sure your homepage not only looks good, but is effective at getting visitors to schedule an appointment with you!

Entering your website is like entering your office for the first time. If the purpose of your online presence is to attract patients to you or your office; the main objective should be focused on one goal: get your visitor to become a client.

When a potential client visits your website, they are looking to see if your office is a place they will feel comfortable in. They want to get acquainted with you and see if you can help them. Yet many doctors and health experts have a home page cluttered with information, and multiple calls to action. Their homepage features their book, supplements, or is promoting an online training course, all sorts of distractions that generally will confuse the patient. With too many choices and distractions on your home page, the only clear course of action for your visitor is to run! They exit your website…and you have lost your potential new client forever.

And please don’t try to sell supplements on the home page of your website! It’s safe to say that the visitor to your website didn’t come because they were looking for vitamins! They came to find someone (and they are hoping it is you) to solve their health issues. Show them why they made a great decision in finding your website.

Would you rather sell a bottle of vitamins, or get a new patient?

Think about it. A new client in your office is worth anywhere from $300 to $12,000 or more if you can convert them into a lifetime patient. Compare that to the sale of a one off supplement, which can range from $19 to $59. I know which one I would rather have; it’s kind of a no-brainer, right?

So focus your home page on the fact that you are the best choice to solve their problem. There will be plenty of time to sell your website visitor supplements later.

Imagine for a moment what it would be like if a new client walked in the door to your office and your receptionist approached them and began with: Hi, welcome to our office: the doctor has a great book about your hormones that is only $19.95; and would you like to try our new supplement line?; sign up for our weight loss program that will help you lose up to 10 pounds in 7 days; and don’t miss the weekly seminar on health we offer on Wednesdays…and please do bring a friend; Oh, yes…the doctor also sees patients here: what are you most interested in?

Okay, that’s a little extreme, I know, but that is actually the approach that many doctors take on the home page of their website. They cram all the information they possibly can onto their homepage and confuse the patient with so many options, they send their potential client running for the door, or for the mouse…in this case.

It’s Only the First Date

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that you cannot sell supplements, promote your book or online training course on your website; you absolutely can and you should… but this is a first date, and the goal for the date is to lead to a long term relationship, not just a one night stand.

Visitors that make their way to your website are looking for you and what you have to offer, so give them what they came for, and make it easy for them to get a taste of what you are all about. Your homepage should offer them a calm relaxing and clear introduction to you and your office. It should be a great representation of your office, and what a potential patient can expect.

You also want to let them know you understand their condition, you have helped others with their problems (include testimonials or social proof) and you can help them too. And do not forget a call to action! Ask them to schedule an appointment with you.

Pop-ups: the Upside

We all hate them. But there is a reason you still see pop-up opt-in boxes on the most successful practitioners websites…they work like crazy to get people on your list.

Here is how the best ones work. When the pop up detects the visitor is about to click away from your homepage, a discreet pop up appears to offer them a gift in exchange for their name and email address. Some examples are an eBook, recipes, a health risk assessment, a quiz; or whatever else you can come up with to offer your ideal client that will entice them to part with their personal email address.

This is also called an “ethical bribe”; it is anything good enough to allow you access to their precious inbox. Remember, your gift should be something they really want, with high-perceived value, something they would expect to pay for.

Once you get their email address, you can stay in touch, even if they don’t make an appointment right now. Research shows that it takes anywhere from 8-14 contacts before someone will actually engage your services…so be patient and stay in touch.

Of course you need to have an About Us page and a Services page, but the #1 purpose of your home page is to get your visitor to think “Wow, I like this person, I think he/she can help me, I’m going to schedule an appointment.” If they do not schedule an appointment, the next-best objective is to get them on your list.

Do you need help with conversions on your website? Since you read this far into my article, I am offering a special price on my Website Review. We will take a look at you site together to optimize your opt-ins for just $300 ($500 value). Click here to schedule.

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