Tag: niche marketing

Building Your Online Platform Part 1

Spiders. Death. Public Speaking. These are the top three fears of Americans in reverse order.

In January I attended the Mindshare Summit event in Tampa… and I’m happy to say that the 30-minute speech I gave in front of 140 people didn’t kill me. Neither did those ginormous Florida spiders. And I am certainly still here to write this message…so all in all the year is off to a great start!

So about that speech… the topic? Building Your Online Platform. I chose this topic because I believe this is the single most important thing you can do this year to insure your future success. Read on to see why.

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This Memorial Day weekend I was getting my backyard ready for summer and opened up an umbrella that had been closed all winter, and I found a big surprise…a wasp’s nest! Yikes.

I must admit, as far as nature-type things go, it does look pretty amazing. Those little wasps must have worked really hard on it. And part of me thinks I really wouldn’t mind keeping it there for a little while, because it’s like a science project for my 12 year old; but something tells me that if I ignore it, I might, no…I definitely will regret it.

It is a little bit like that tiny nagging pain in my neck that cropped up a few days ago, which incidentally really doesn’t bother me too much right now. But I know from experience that the seemingly harmless little pain I have now will most likely get bigger and stronger and harder to deal with over time. And If I ignore it for a couple of weeks, it could very well turn into a really serious problem.

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Three Simple steps to Increase your Patient Volume by Narrowing Your Focus

Wait a minute you say, I thought the more people who see my message, the more response I am going to get, right? Nope. Not anymore. That kind of marketing went out with Wonder Bread.

Welcome to the information age, where we are exposed to more marketing messages before breakfast than we used to get in a whole day.

It takes a lot these days to grab our short, over extended attention span…

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