I mentioned in my last eZine that I had been doing a deep dive into social media– including the many many ways we can reach our audience through their digital devices. All of these new technologies and inventions are amazing, and they allow us to do so many things that would have been completely impossible a mere 5 years ago. Heck, 8 years ago most of us had flip phones and were sending text messages at the hefty price of $1 each. But lately, I have realized that there is a Dark Side to having all of this technology at our fingertips 24/7.
And I have got to address the question…
Do we need a digital detox?
How I discovered I was Mildly Addicted to My iPhone.
My good friend JJ Virgin has been talking about this guy, Dan Sullivan, non-stop for the past year now. I have been putting my hands over my ears and singing, “La la la la la” every time I’ve heard her mention Dan Sullivan’s name… because the last thing I wanted to do was join another coaching program.
But I suddenly had a change of heart when I heard Dan speak at our last Mindshare Summit in August. Within the first 20 minutes of his talk, it became crystal clear to me why JJ has been going on and on (and on) about him.
A little history on Dan: For the past 25 years, Dan has been teaching entrepreneurs how to create a “self-managing” company through his company Strategic Coach. What sets Dan apart from other coaches is that he doesn’t just teach you how to build your dream business – he helps you build your dream life at the same time.
I knew immediately that this was going to be the magic bullet I needed in order for me to create a great professional life without my family life paying the price.
So I took the plunge, and I couldn’t be happier that I did.
What! No Email for 24 Hours?
My first 3 months in Strategic Coach are about setting the foundation to have a successful business, first and foremost; but it is also about being mindful of enjoying the things one creates a successful business for. Personally, my top core value is family, and my goal is to have more quality time with my son. But here’s the thing…even during quality time with my son, I find it quite tempting (as maybe you do too) to check my emails from my phone…just to make sure I haven’t missed anything.
With the constant lure of never-ending updates and news breaks at our fingertips, it is easy to become addicted to technology.
Through Strategic Coach, Dan insists that we build in what he calls Free Days, in other words “days completely free of work.” Period. No emails. No Meetings. No business phone calls. And it must be for a 24-hour period. And that means from 12 midnight to 12 midnight. (I already asked if the time could run from noon to noon… the answer was an emphatic, “No.”)
“You are not allowed to work for 24 hours straight” might sound like a dream come true for most employees; but if you are a mission-based entrepreneur – this is a very tall order.
On my free days, I am so tempted to check just one email… and I think to myself, “What could it hurt? I just want to know if that new client sent in her paperwork… I can’t wait to learn more about her business. I’ll just take a peek.” But then, once I do that… the social media floodgates are opened, and it’s pretty much guaranteed that I’ll be spending more time than I intended looking at babies drooling at puppies, kittens doing impossibly adorable things, and did you see the one with those two alligators wrestling on the golf course? (Are they going to kill each other…or go after the guy with his iPhone filming the whole crazy mess?)
You know where this is going, right? What starts out as a harmless Facebook romp inevitably sucks me into the black hole of work, and before I know it… it’s 2 hours later and I’m glued to my laptop, responding to client emails, posting profound Infographics on my Facebook page, re-tweeting words of wisdom from Tony Robbins… and then I am burning the broccoli I put on the stove for dinner, and have forgotten to go grocery shopping for my son’s lunch tomorrow.
Is it a Blessing or is it a Curse?
Our daily lives keep getting more complicated. All of this technology is supposed to give us more freedom, but instead sometimes it feels like we have less. We are all so “connected” to the world through our smart phones that we run the risk of being dis-connected from the people who are right in front of us, in the here and now.
Spending time with friends causes your brain to release oxytocin – which helps to relieve stress and may even have anti-aging benefits. What I have learned in Strategic Coach is that it’s super important to unplug from my inbox, client emergencies, and other things that can take me away from getting some quality relaxation and real uninterrupted down time.
I am learning that when I do return to work after allowing myself the luxury of one whole day to connect with my family and friends, do some gardening, walk the dog, and perhaps do a little retail therapy; I return to work refreshed, energized, focused, more creative, and even… inspired.
So I challenge you to declare your own free day, and live without checking work emails, taking client calls, or doing anything work-related for one 24-hour period…midnight to midnight. I would love to know if it has an overall more positive effect on your business (or your attitude, mood, productivity, etc.), when you resume life after your “digital detox”. Let me know if you are struggling with it as much as I am! This has proven to be way harder than I thought it would be! If you have discovered some strategies for success, by all means please share them!
I hope you will take some time to really connect with your friends and family this holiday season. See if you can make the digital detox a reality and be fully present with the people who matter to you the most.
I intend to do the same thing and I wish you a heartfelt holiday filled with peace, joy, and oxytocin!