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The Power of Positive Focus!

(How to Get The Law of Attraction to Work for You)

The phone rings. When you answer it and hear who is on the line, you almost drop the phone. You were just thinking of that person last week! What makes it so surprising is that it has been years since you last thought of her, and now here she is, calling you. Is it coincidence? Maybe not. 

This phenomenon is more scientific than we might think. The field of metaphysics is a strange and wonderful science. The more we learn about atoms and how they operate in the universe, the more evident it is that we can influence those atoms with our thoughts.  We are actually co-creators of our reality. That’s the law of attraction.


I know. It sounds a little “woo woo”, right? But hear me out… 

Movies like The Secret and What The Bleep Do We Know!?, have brought the principles of universal law into the mainstream.  It’s no longer a secret that the things you focus on are the things that you attract into your life.  

As human beings, somehow we’ve gotten the notion that if it’s not hard; it’s not worth it. But I have found that this is simply not true. It doesn’t have to be a struggle. Yes, there is work involved (definitely), but don’t overlook the importance of intention.

Get out in nature, make a gratitude list, and celebrate your success. These activities provide a springboard for more achievement.

You can create momentum by focusing on that which you want to attract into your life. Focus on the good things; focus on what feels good. And before you know it, things just start falling into place.

You’ve probably heard this before. It seems to make sense, especially when we think about those phone calls we get “out of the blue”. We innately sense there is a power working “out there”. But how can you harness this creative power to have it work in your life?

Remember, it doesn’t have to be hard! Today, I’m going to share three small (but powerful) exercises that you can do each morning to set the stage for a positive and fulfilling day. And by focusing on the positive…you will create the momentum to attract even more positive…more of what you want in your life (and less of what you don’t!). 

Try it. Spending these few minutes every morning to consciously create your day can actually pay off in ways that will surprise you.

Three Ways to Set Yourself Up for a Successful Day:

#1) Gratitude List

Every morning when you wake up, take the time to write a gratitude list. Jot down five things in your life that you are grateful for.

In my morning gratitude list, I write down the obvious (my son, my health, my home, my eZine readers!) and other times, I dig a little deeper and give gratitude to things such as my strength to get through difficult times, my ability to connect with others, and the courage to stand up for what I believe.

Writing this list helps me focus on the wonderful parts of my day that (more often than not) are overlooked and underappreciated when business, responsibility, and life in general become too overwhelming. 

#2) “Did Wells”

After you take a moment to appreciate and show gratitude for all of the gifts in your life, consider taking a few more minutes to acknowledge yesterday’s successes before you embark on today’s journey.

Write down 5 things that you accomplished the day before. It doesn’t matter how big or small these achievements were – they deserve some recognition! 

This exercise can help give you a boost of confidence and can empower you for today’s challenges- you kicked yesterday’s butt…and you’re going to do the same today. 

As entrepreneurs, it’s easy to just keep looking for the next prize, and sometimes we tend to feel as though we are spinning our wheels – working really hard and not accomplishing much.

But if we take an extra 5 minutes to look back and give ourselves some credit for what we have achieved, this positive momentum can carry on and helps us set even more goals for ourselves. 

#3) Character Assets

What are you good at? What do you pride yourself on? What do you like about yourself? What do others like about you? What makes you…you?  

After you’ve made your gratitude and “did wells” list, write down five character assets that you possess. Do you operate with integrity? Do you want the best for your patients? Are you persistent, rational, self-sufficient, a good listener, witty, or thoughtful? Put your strengths in writing. The more we see it, the more we believe it. And the more we believe it, the more we see it.

Again, these practices are all about reminding ourselves that we have so much to be thankful for, proud of, and that we have so much to offer. 

Here’s an example of how taking a few minutes to do these three small activities each morning can help set you on a positive path for the day.

The Difficult Patient

When I ran a busy wellness center, I found that it was helpful to use the principle of focusing on the positive when I had a difficult patient coming into the office. You know, that one person who is just a little harder to deal with than most. 

I had this one patient who would constantly complain about my staff, how long she had to wait, the nonexistent dust in the corners, you name it – she would find something to complain about. (My staff so eloquently nicknamed this particular patient “b*ch on wheels”…I’m guessing you’ve got one, too.)

She wasn’t going away anytime soon, so I made a conscious decision to look for the positive in her and only focus on that. The next time she came in, I complimented her on the color she was wearing (because that was about the only thing I could find that I could compliment her on…you gotta start somewhere!).    

Well, it turns out that the more positive things that I thought about her, the more pleasant and positive her visits became. They moved past tolerable…to be honest, I actually began to look forward to them. Never in a million years could I have anticipated this to be the outcome…but voila! Focus on the positive, and incredibly enough, you get more positive.

This is just one anecdote of many. Once I realized the true power of positive focus, I began creating more and more success in my life and my practice by using the three tools I mentioned above.

Now it’s your turn. I challenge you to give it a try. Start your morning with these three exercises: gratitude list, “did wells”, and character assets. See how the law of attraction steps in to give you more of the good stuff.